Preparing Culturally Aware Leaders for a Multicultural World

The 49ͼ¿âDiversity Leadership Badge program is a co-curricular leadership development opportunity for all students designed to increase your awareness about multicultural and social justice issues. The program also provides you with opportunities for experiential learning with diverse communities. Participants who complete the 20+ hour semester-long program receive a Diversity Leadership Badge.

This badge is offered through the 49ͼ¿âBadging program. Participants who successfully complete the program receive a micro-credential (or badge). Your badge can be added to LinkedIn, included on a resume, or a co-curricular transcript.

Why Participate in the Diversity Leadership Badge Program?

When you successfully complete the Diversity Leadership Badge (DLB), you will be able to:

  • Analyze your own identities and describe how your personal worldview is shaped by cultural factors.
  • Identify and critique personal assumptions and biases.
  • Describe how privilege and power contribute to social injustices.
  • Define the concept of "cultural humility" and its main characteristics.
  • Demonstrate humility and sensitivity to others through service opportunities in local communities.

Diversity Leadership Badge Program Requirements

service learning community icon

Complete 5 hours of Community Service

illustration of stacking hands

Complete 4 Interactive Workshops

Attend 3 Events

illustration of a paper report

Complete a Final Reflection

  1. Participate in four interactive workshops
    • Implicit Bias
    • Gender and Sexuality (LGBTQ+ Safe Space Program)
    • Race and Racism
    • Class and Classism
  2. Attend a minimum of three on-campus approved events
  3. Complete a minimum of one community service opportunity
    • You will be expected to volunteer at one community site working with a diverse community or issue. Past service opportunities have included working with the Boys & Girls Club, Preble Street Soup Kitchen, NAACP and Portland Public Schools. These activities are coordinated by students in the Advanced tier of the Badge program, in coordination with the Office of Citizenship and Civic Engagement.
  4. Final reflection paper
    • You will be expected to pass in at least a 3-page summary and evaluation of their program experience that demonstrates an understanding of Cultural Humility, strategies for changing oppressive structures, and advocacy/allyship, at the completion of the Diversity Leadership Badge Program.

As a participant, you are enrolled in an online curriculum. You are required to submit a reflection of your experiences after each milestone in the program. If you are interested, an advanced curriculum is available for students with further learning.